In How To..., Success


Today was FIRE…

I was on three different coaching calls on Zoom with ALL IN entrepreneurs who are willing to do whatever it takes to find solutions and feed their family…

And if you are like many others right now, you or someone you know got “The Call” in the last few months…

The call goes something like this:
“Hey, I’m glad I caught you before you came in. We have nothing for you to do and the company is cutting costs to stay afloat. Just stay home and “Hunker Down” and we’ll call you in the next few weeks ok?”

Now those 3 entrepreneurs are already in action with their business, so they have found their way to GETTING HIGHLY PAID.

“Forced Innovation”

Now there’s two types of people in this world… (and we already know which one you are or you wouldn’t be reading this):

1. First, there’s the ones who whine, procrastinate, make excuses and fall victim to “whatever happens” to them.

*They have a negative mindset, disempowering beliefs, point fingers and blame, so they continue to struggle. They’ll blame ANYTHING (outside of themselves) for where they are…

And then there’s…

2. The ones who have a trained mind to spot the GOOD in every situation and jump into immediate action to find solutions and overcome their obstacle.

*(They have trained mind to find the “blessing in disguise”.)

And today may just change everything for you… because “Every closed door will send you to the next one that’s open”, and I believe everything happens for a reason…

Let’s get into what millions have found to be

The best most immediate solution…

So how easy is it to start your own business/side hustle and build YOUR OWN dreams?

Well, to put it into perspective, we have now directly helped over 5000 people start and build at least one extra channel of income coming into their household. 

We’ve indirectly helped 10’s of thousands more to achieve multiple streams of online recurring or compounding income in the last 12 months… 

And this is all with ZERO RISK strategies. 

“So what’s the catch?” is what most people ask, so let me give you the catches…

(BTW, I had to do this all myself first too):

  1. I had UN-LEARN most of the “normal” things I had been programmed for. 
  2. I had to learn to be HUMBLE and get rid of my EGO and admit that I was not where I wanted to be, and whatever I knew THEN, was exactly what brought me to where I was. (And if I already knew, or were aware of it, I’d already be where I wished I was!). 
  3. It’s not an investment of “money”, but an investment of TIME invested in MYSELF. 
  4. I had to STEP UP and ASK ADVICE from people who had PROVEN RESULTS. 
  5. I had to be willing to DO what they advised, because they are not “friends” (who say what you want them to say), but actual MENTORS, who tell you what you need to DO to get the same results, (and if I didn’t DO it, then I’d be wasting both my time AND THEIRS.


There are now over 44,000,000 more Americans who have started their own side hustles, with bigger dreams and NO LIMITS.

Click for detailsSuccess magazine says, “The 9 to 5 job is OVER” and “NOW is the BEST TIME to OWN YOUR LIFE”, because it’s completely possible, especially in these times with PROVEN SYSTEMS for Success! 

So if you’ve lost your job/business income or been feeling stuck at your j.o.b. with a cap to how much you can make, could NOW be the “Blessing in Disguise” for you? 

Let’s find out:

Here’s a pretty valuable video that helps explain how to have NO CAP to how much you can make in the next 5-10 years and set yourself up for good… 

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts…

Chat soon… 

The World Is Yours, M.. 

My name is Marc Frank Montoya. I was raised by a single Mom (who did the best she possibly could and supported my dreams), but had no (Financial) Education. I (luckily) skipped college, changed my environment (by moving up to the mountains with some friends) and went on to become a globally recognized professional snowboarder for over 17 years. *(After that kind of life, there was no possibility of going back to the "norm".) After a few mentor friends pushed me read a few wealth books, I thought the next logical step was to STOP making other people rich and launch my own businesses. The problem was, I quickly realized the volatility and lack of time freedom that comes with (traditional/old-school) brick and mortar business. Even more painful was the lack of quality time with my kids. After a lot of searching, studying, researching and discovering, I dove in head first, implementing #different strategies and tactics. I invested the next 15 years (and over $250k) into courses, personal development, seminars, workshops, coaching, mentorship and financial education. I also found the world of Online Marketing, Automated Businesses Models, Financial Services and Tools, and Tax-Free Wealth Strategies. I now share what I learn and help entrepreneurial-minds build more automated and leveraged business online, protect your assets and compound your results and income from anywhere in the world using a #smart phone, a laptop and Zoom. If you're looking to take your income and lifestyle to the next level, feel free, look around, invest the time, jump down the Rabbit Hole.. : )
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