If you have gone through years of obstacles, road blocks, setbacks and barriers like I have, it's now time for you to discover the truth about living paycheck-to-paycheck... 

I don't know why it took me so long to become more open-minded to different (better) ideas, but I was pretty damn pissed when I finally found these principles out...

This is why I share these principles with everyone else.

Because every day matters when it comes to setting goals and taking massive action to achieve a better lifestyle.

Create Multiple Steams Of Income, Even While You Sleep

If your mind is "fixed", then you will insist on defending your old beliefs... but if you're ready for things to CHANGE, watch this and reach out to us below... 

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It’s Not That They Don’t Care. It’s Just That They Don’t Know…

Back in the day, my Dad, (who loves me to death), yelled at me:
What are you going to do with that f*ckin’ skateboard? You need to go to school so you can get a safe secure JOB!

He wasn’t aware that he almost accidentally crushed every dream I ever had. 

If I would have gave in and settled for “going to school and getting a job”, I would have been stuck in a building for the last 22 years, trading my time for money, (probably indoors), doing something I hate.

Luckily I took action toward my own vision and passions instead, and what happened next was absolutely insane…

We all love to think we are “different”, and I’m sure you’ll agree, you feel more alive when you do!

So as almost everyone gave me their (free) opinions and advice to “stop dreaming” and “just get a job”, I sacrificed and invested the extra time to develop my skills to get closer to my goal of total (financial) freedom.

A massive problem today, (and one of the reasons many struggle financially), is our silly ass “education” system and financial environment.

We have been programmed to spend the first 25 years of our life acquiring skills, so that we can utilize those skills for the next 40 years….

And “then we get to to live” and travel the world and have time freedom, (when we’re 65 or 70 years old), right?

Well I guess that’s one (very long and hard) way you could go, but what if you could work smart for 7-9 years, using these better business vehicles, and not have to slave away at a crappy job anymore?

Working hard at a job for 45 years simply wasn’t an option for me, so I started launching my own businesses.

The problem was, these businesses quickly sucked away all of my free time, and I still felt like I was a slave.

I had bought myself a job, and even worse, I sat there doing the same things, over and over again, (even though I didn’t like it),  for WAY TOO MANY years!

So if you’re looking for the truth, you’ll find it here, but you may not like hearing it at first…

Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable to hear, unless you’re self-motivated, open, and have desire for change.

If you’ve been programmed for the 40-50 hour/week for 40 years plan, then this will take a few exposures and a few wealth books to wrap your head around.

I invite you to open your mind to new ideas and opportunities that can lead you to your dream life.

Simply “suspend your dis-belief” for long enough to envision yourself leaving the “norm” behind… 

I’ll tell you now, the regular old way, working a job, making someone else rich, doesn’t work.

I know, because we’ve all been there, and it ain’t pretty… and soon you’ll know why there’s always more month than money.

If you’re trying to live an abundant, more meaningful life, you eventually find that wealth is not measured in money – (It is measured in time freedom and/or the quality of your life)!

When I was owned by my businesses, I had absolutely no time freedom for family or experiencing other cultures of the world.

I finally asked myself:
How much freedom do I really have? How much free time do I have, where I can actually be with my loved ones? How much extra money or time do I have to be able to help others in the world?

What am I really here for? What’s my purpose?

So I ask you now:
What is your purpose?
Which is more valuable – money or time?

By now, I’m sure you’ve learned that money comes and goes… you can always make more money.

But time is obviously much more valuable, because once it’s gone, you will never get it back. 

So why do we spend most of our days working, chasing money… so we never have any time?

These days my passion is to “de-program” you and challenge your beliefs that got you where you are right now.

Every day, I catch parents unconsciously killing their kids dreams, telling them, “no you can’t do that” and “that will never work”!

Before I fell into snowboarding, I used to struggle month-to-month too. I was bossed around and taken advantage of by the wrong people. 

The reason I couldn’t help other people is because I couldn’t even take care of myself

The reality is that 95% of people have not realized that they are held back by ignorance and FEAR.

We fear the unknown because we think we don’t “know” the outcome.

You want to know “what happens next“.

With correct information, education and awareness, you’ll have a better chance for putting together a better plan – and a better idea of the outcome.

Then, by taking steps toward your fears, straight into the “unknown”, (learning and earning as you go), the fear will disappear.

It’s like riding a bike!

So I’m here to help you create more freedom, like I helped my son and daughter break the barriers of their fear to ride their bike and experience more joy in life.

Now, as far as freedom, chances are that you have been taught nothing about wealth, taxes or financial freedom in the school system.

Most people don’t even know where to start, so they are fearful to take any action at all.

You’ll quickly see that wealth is so very easily achieved if you put your energy into the right leveraged business “vehicles” and financial education to get you there.

Meanwhile, the majority of people have learned a “victim mentality”, staying there, struggling, blaming it on “the economy” or anything else outside of  themselves.

I used to do this too.

Many are unwilling to leave the “comfort zone” and learn something new. 

You may feel like sticking what you know — again, because of:

– FEAR of Loss:
(“What if I lose money?”, “What if I waste my time?”, “It’s too risky”, etc.)

– FEAR of Failure:
(“What if I fail?” , “What will everybody say?”, etc.)

– FEAR of Rejection:
(“I don’t know how to sell”. “What if they say NO?” etc. )

– FEAR of Success:
(“What if I succeed?” “Money is evil!” “People will hate me!” “I don’t deserve it” or “I can’t handle the pressure”, etc.)

I’ll tell you now, I have crashed and burned and failed over and over and over again, which is WHY I am successful.

And now my mission is to put an end to all the bullsh*t inside your head that holds you back.

I will help you create success and get after your passions. And after you learn it, you may just want to spread that information too, because it really is addicting!

Fact is, one drowning person is useless to another drowning person.

Everyone on this planet would LOVE to help another person, but you just can’t if you don’t have the extra time, money, or energy.

And one of the best feelings in this world is to help another person – (it’s one of the 7 Human Needs).

It will be vital for you to transform into an unstoppable LEADER, because it is only LEADERS that are able to help guide the others!

This is where we come in.

You don’t want to be like “Jenkins” here and work until your 70 years old, do you?

If not, then let’s get you started with us NOW!

Knowledge and skills will set you up for good.

We’ll see you on the next page…

Much Love,

The World Is Yours, M!