I was an AmeriCANT!
I used to “have no time” for everything, and I used to be “broke”, full of excuses, being a simple “Americant”, until I finally realized I needed to CHANGE my habits and routines in order to create a better quality life.
I needed CHANGE. I needed to get open-minded to new ideas if I ever wanted a true dream life, because my old ideas were not going to get me where I wanted to be. I hated being “too busy” all the time. My small businesses were not working to get me to my big dreams or any sort of freedom, so it made sense to look into something that WOULD work. I had to stop making excuses like “I CANT” and “I don’t have any time” or else things would forever remain the same. As soon as I took responsibility and admitted that it was MY FAULT for where I was in life, everything started to CHANGE!!
How to not be an AMERICANT
Humans FEAR change, so we get into routines because it makes us feel “safe” or “comfortable”, but it doesn’t get us to any big dreams we have. It was a MUST that I stop being closed-minded, because my OLD ideas got me to exactly where I was. (Broke and tired). If you want to be an AmeriCAN, then you must be willing to come OUT of your comfort zone, learn something that DOES work, and take ACTION to create yourself a true American Dream. The key to success is being able to adapt to the changing world, in order to be in front of the waves of success, instead of watching the waves go by, over and over and over again.
Step away from the AmeriCANT life and join the AmeriCAN movement
The enemy of an AmeriCAN is an AmeriCANT.
It means : FEAR is the enemy of success. Humans fear the unknown, and sometimes even violently appose it. We FEAR what we do not know. This is the same reason dear and Elk form “deer trails”. They instinctively will not put themselves in “danger” by taking a different route then the trail they know to be “safe”. Good thing we are not mindlessly controlled by “instinct”. We have the mind capability to NOT be slaves to our “comfort zones”, because if you have a “comfort zone” and it is NOT getting you what you want in life, then it really becomes your ENSLAVEMENT ZONE.
The key to being an AmeriCAN:
Grow the courage to get off your ass, take action, and make the unfamiliar the FAMILIAR! Form a NEW routine that WORKS. You must be courageous enough to CHANGE.
If you feel like you want change for the better, (or you’re not sure how you could possibly change the situation you’re in), contact us to stop being an AmeriCANT, now!
To your wild success, M!