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You need to ask yourself two VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS and think about the answer that exposes the truth:
1. “Exactly WHAT am I spending my time “getting good” at?
2. Who is my COACH?
If you’re not “in training” for FREEDOM or WEALTH, then most likely you will have already SHRUNK your DREAMS to match your INCOME. This will be a sad thing for you, especially if you live here in the States! America is supposed to be about FREEDOM isn’t it? So why are most people employees or own a “traditional” small business where you have no FREEDOM, trading all of your time for money? It’s because of the “programming” that’s been done to you from your lifetime of Middle-Class working “coaches”, thinking they were “helping” you. (parents, teachers, friends, etc.) Think about it:
Can you really say you’re FREE if someone tells you what you have to do every day, how much money you will make, when you can have lunch, and when you can’t go on vacation? Really think about this a PAY ATTENTION if you EVER want your DREAMS to have even have a chance. Ask yourself and ANSWER this question:
Who is your COACH? Are they Middle-Class, still working, chasing money, with no FREEDOM themselves? Should you really take advice from them then?!!

What have you been so “busy” doing? How long have you been doing this – is it working? Where were you THREE years ago? Are you financially free yet? That’s what you’re really looking for, isn’t it? Well has what you’ve been doing for work actually gotten you any closer to your dream life of FREEDOM yet? Is what you’re doing not working? Has anything CHANGED? If the answer is no, then you’ve been getting good at “normal” things that “everybody else” does, that basically will keep you spinning on a hamster wheel, going nowhere fast. It’s called the working Middle-Class, or “Rat Race”.

Ever wonder if you're ever gonna get "there"?

If you’re in that group right now, the Department of Labor says that 95% of you will be either DEAD or DEAD BROKE at age 65. If you’re still alive, you will most likely be forced to work until 70 because you can’t retire, and don’t have anything to show for all your hard work. Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to start a better plan?
I write these blogs to help you because I care about you and believe in you, like somebody went out of their way to do for me, so please listen up if you think you’re worth it:
If you ever want your BIG dreams to come true, you must acquire the information that the wealthy have, and then TRAIN to achieve it, using the right coaches and mentors. If you do not, you will waste the best days of your life trading your valuable TIME for wages and most of your regrets will be that you didn’t get enough TIME with loved ones. You will probably die BROKE, unable to leave a legacy, because you procrastinated and waited too long for the “right time” before you made any moves. If you are not wealthy, you must CHANGE your beliefs about money, and where you invest your TIME. So NOW would be a good time, wouldn’t it?
You might be saying, “yeah, but I don’t have the time” or “Ya, but I don’t have the money” … blah blah blah” … save your excuses for someone who will buy your stories! I tell you this: Don’t put your DREAMS aside, put your EXCUSES aside. It is WAY too easy to get wealthy in today’s world, if you’re ever decide your WORTH it. Everybody has an equal opportunity, because everybody has a computer at home, and now EVERYBODY knows you can make streaming money from your home computer.  But are YOU still trying to train for old school “traditional” business, because your old “coaches” (influences) told you it was a good idea?
You need to understand that humans (you) naturally FEAR the “unknown” and are scared of change, but if you are among the few (2%) that have courage and are willing to step TOWARD their fears and get “uncomfortable”, you can easily adapt to this extremely fast-paced changing world of “new” technologies of business coming out every single day. Everybody else (the unsuccessful 98%) act like ostriches with their “head in the sand”, SCARED of stepping out of their “comfort zone” to learn how to make money online, and adapt to today’s business. The 2% courageous group of people are consistently the ONLY ones that are successful, because they are always “in the know” and “catching the wave”. The ones constantly “missing” it are the whiners and complainers that have the excuses and fears of getting “uncomfortable”, with all the “shoulda coulda woulda” regrets of procrastination their whole life. If you don’t want to be “that guy” or “that girl” that’s always “left out”, click the Hamster Wheel guy to stop being SCARED of the “unknown” and make an EASY change to take action toward a better life. You want success don’t you? You might just end up learning something NEW (just like when you invested your time to learn FACEBOOK!) that would help you finally CATCH one of the waves of SUCCESS!!! Much Love, M!

Ever feel like you're going nowhere fast?

My name is Marc Frank Montoya. I was raised by a single Mom (who did the best she possibly could and supported my dreams), but had no (Financial) Education. I (luckily) skipped college, changed my environment (by moving up to the mountains with some friends) and went on to become a globally recognized professional snowboarder for over 17 years. *(After that kind of life, there was no possibility of going back to the "norm".) After a few mentor friends pushed me read a few wealth books, I thought the next logical step was to STOP making other people rich and launch my own businesses. The problem was, I quickly realized the volatility and lack of time freedom that comes with (traditional/old-school) brick and mortar business. Even more painful was the lack of quality time with my kids. After a lot of searching, studying, researching and discovering, I dove in head first, implementing #different strategies and tactics. I invested the next 15 years (and over $250k) into courses, personal development, seminars, workshops, coaching, mentorship and financial education. I also found the world of Online Marketing, Automated Businesses Models, Financial Services and Tools, and Tax-Free Wealth Strategies. I now share what I learn and help entrepreneurial-minds build more automated and leveraged business online, protect your assets and compound your results and income from anywhere in the world using a #smart phone, a laptop and Zoom. If you're looking to take your income and lifestyle to the next level, feel free, look around, invest the time, jump down the Rabbit Hole.. : )
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