If You Can’t Undertand Why They’re “Not Interested”, Then This Training Will Forever Change Your Paradigm
When prospecting/recruiting for your Home Business, one skill you must master is how to read a person’s dominant “personality color”/communication style.
If you don’t know how to speak their language and get on their level, they won’t be interested in what you’re saying or what you have to offer.
If you pay attention and care enough to talk about what’s important to them, (and not what is important to you), then you will start to have a better conversion ratio of people who say “YES” to themselves!
Watch this vid NOW!
More Secrets For Direct Sales Recruiting
You’ll be able to tell how good you’re getting at “speaking their language” by the feedback you get from your prospects – (interest level, tone of voice, and body language).
Are they sitting back in their seat, uninterested, or are they up on the edge leaning forward toward you? Are their arms crossed, defensive, or are they open and optimistic? What kind of tone of voice are they talking or asking questions with?
Study and practice by getting to know their dominant personality color, and use your new skill for building rapport.
Being interested in people is definitely more important than trying to show them an interesting opportunity or product.
Knowing the personalities in the room is also very important while doing your presentation, but to master the invite is vital!
What NOT to do while Direct Sales Recruiting
Do NOT tell your prospect all about your business opportunity until they are at the actual appointment/presentation, or at least until you have built enough rapport that you are confident they are committed to sitting down and watching an online presentation.
(*Make sure to do this with a PHONE conversation or in person – NOT an impersonal text or email!) Do not SPAM your warm list. Nobody likes SPAM!
Your INVITATION conversation should be under 3 minutes and then change the subject and be “busy”.
Say you have to go, and be gone in a hurry! Make something up if you have to – – “oh shoot, I have to run! Gotta make an important phone call!”
Here are Personality Colors for Direct Sales Recruiting
For a RED:
After getting on the subject of making money, you say, “Hey Paul, we have a business meeting tomorrow night, be there! We’re talking big money, huge money! Not that crappy little “Job” type money, but massive amounts of money from having your own business. My successful friends are actually looking for a HARD HITTER like you. Here’s your chance to fire the loser boss and be your OWN boss so YOU can be in charge! You’ll be able to CRUSH it and be #1 in the whole state! You’ll be able to get that red Ferrari and drive back to your job and peel out all over the parking lot, screaming “see ya later LOSERS”! “
For a Blue:
FIRST you don’t “talk to” a blue, you must excitedly LISTEN to a blue, because they love talking and going 150 miles an hour! Then when they take a breath, (and before they get sidetracked!), you jump in and say, “OH, hey Sara check it out, oh you’re gonna LOVE it – we’re having a tasting PARTY tomorrow night, it’s going to be SOOOO FUN! There’s gonna be all kinds of cool people to meet, that are teaching people how to make money while having FUN, it’s going to be SAAWEEET!!!” (MONEY = Freedom and FUN!!! DO NOT talk facts, figures, or details with them!)
For a Yellow:
Ah niiice Michael, you love HELPING people, eh? Yeah me too man, that’s what life’s about, isn’t it? Makes you feel good hey? Oh, speaking of that – you have got to come check out this event tomorrow. Last month we raised thousands of dollars for building schools and orphanages, and we work with organizations to help educate thousands of people, save the environment, and raise awareness all over the world, one person at a time! Get together with our team, there’s so many warm, giving, and NURTURING people, working to educate and help everybody! You’ll LOVE it what this company does for the world!
For a GREEN:
Wow, you’re so organized and intelligent. I want you to take look at something and research this for me, give me your opinion ok? .. (send them a couple links). Or you can say something like, “Ay Barbara, I know you’re very research driven and like details, so I want some feedback from you. I want you to take a look at something with me. What are you doing this Thursday at 7pm?” There’s some very successful people that I want you to meet. They work with a $5oomillion dollar/yr business and are looking for some smart people. If they ask, “well, what is it?”, just say, well there’s a lot to it, I don’t want to muck it all up with the wrong information, so I’ll let you and the other smart people talk about it! Being how sensible your are, I just want to see if you’ll like it or not. I honestly value your opinion…
Remember: Direct Sales Recruiting is not hard, it’s simple!
Never give them “enough” information and satisfy their curiosity. They don’t have to show up if they think they already know what it is.
Just give enough so that they have interest and show up on THEIR agenda.
They will want to know MORE, only if you don’t give it to them until they’re at the presentation or on the phone with your upline.
Give just enough info to spark their interest and GET THEM THERE to your presentation/overview/tasting party!
And of course, have FUN with your Direct Sales Recruiting!
Hope that was helpful!
The World Is Yours, M!
P.S. – If you haven’t, make sure to contact me and tell me your story!
Chat soon, M!