In Awareness, Success, Wealth

Wow! It’s been a while since I listened to the audio version of this little book, but here’s EXACTLY how we were able to give ourselves a “raise” of over $550k this past 2 years, even through a “Plan-Demic”…

10 Clear Distinctions

10 Distinctions“The 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and Middle-Class” is the name of a small but very powerful book, by Keith Cameron Smith.

And if you know the difference(s), then you can make sure to think and then TAKE ACTION like a Millionaire!

I always loved listening to this and knowing where to point my mind… This stuff is SO true, and I’m pretty f*ckin’ excited to share it with you…

Here are some of the points I got from this amazing little book…

Starting backward from 10:

#10 – Millionaires Think LONG TERM. The Middle-Class Think Short Term

Let’s start with very poor

Poor people think in a “day to day mentality:

The “poor” will subconsciously ask themselves, “How am I – (“meeeee”) going to survive today“.

They can barely take care of themselves, so trying to help someone else is usually out of the question – a less conscious space of “I” and “Me”.

What they don’t understand is that: what you seek, you will find , and they think scarcity.

People in poverty (at best) think in a “week to weekmentality:

They say to themselves, “Let me just get to this weekend”, just one step higher but still a “me, myself, and I” space. Survival.

The Middle Class think “month to month :

They look to be comfortable, and when you’re “comfortable with being comfortable”, you will stay there, settling for what life gives you.

When you only worry about being comfortable, don’t look or live to be extraordinary.

They’re thinking is, “How am I going to pay my bills this month?”. This is also a “me me me”, (“MY” bills) mentality.

The Rich think “year to year“:

They have a plan and have goals for the year.

More importantly, the Rich are usually Entrepreneurs. They’re always acting on new ideas to solve problems. They help other people get what they want. 

Let’s say someone has a problem – (a flat tire) – so the business owner created a solution for them and started a tire store.

If people are hungry, the entrepreneur started the Taco Shop to help people get what they’re looking for.

That is being proactive and valuable in the market place!

The Very Rich/Wealthy think “decade to decade“:

They have an abundance mentality and a Core Value of FREEDOM.

They know that there’s more than enough for everybody to have more than enough. No limits. They constantly looking for growth and where the biggest problems will be in 10 years.

In fact, it’s the wealthy know:

The more you help people get what THEY want, the more you get what you want, and the amount of money you make in this world, (and the quality of your life), is directly proportionate to how much valuable you create in the market place.

The TRUTH is that there is abundance. The LIE is that there is “scarcity”.
Stretch your business plans 10 or even 20 years out!

Also, make sure you learn how to create yourself freedom!

#9 – Millionaires talk about the future and ideas… (while the Middle-Class talks about things and other people)

We’ve all seen how people attract gravitate to others with like-minds, who are just like them… 

(Like the gossip groups who get together at lunch or on the 15-minute break, smoking cigarettes and talk about people, lol!)

OR, on the other side of that, is the rich and successful people who do mastermind groups and talk about the future and ideas.

In fact, in today’s world, it’s an equal playing field. It doesn’t even “take money to make money”. (That’s actually a LIE, because you can manifest money at any time you wish.)

So what does it take?

It takes IDEAS and ACTION to make money – not just “money” to make money. 


The Middle-Class complains about things and talk about other people.

However, what most people don’t realize is that whatever you THINK about, you BRING about…

Whatever you focus on, expands.

(So, whatever you complain about, you get more of!)

And whatever you appreciate , you get more of!

The power of life and death (and the quality of your life) is in the thoughts and in the tongue!

And remember, you’re a product of your environment, so watch who you hang around in your spare time! 

If you intentionally get around those who are focused on the future and ideas, then you’ll have a much better chance of being in FRONT of the bubble, not behind it – (aka, being “at the right place at the right time”)…  

#8 – Millionaires embrace change. The Middle-Class is threatened by change 

Do people like change? NO. They fear it.

When change is presented to them, they assume it will be negative or painful.

Middle-Class like comfort, not growth…. (because growth requires “stretching” yourself).

Thinking and stretching yourself to overcome challenges is uncomfortable.

Millionaires , when change is presented to them, positive or negative, they say “it’s gonna benefit me either way”!

The are comfortable with being uncomfortable.

This is a much more empowering perspective to gain. If it’s good, cool! If it’s bad, cool!

Either way, it’s a “win” because you can learn from every experience, good or bad.

The only constant is change. When change comes, it is life’s way of making sure we stretch and grow, to become the person we needed to be, in order to impact more people in a positive way.

And there is always an opportunity to grow from experiences.

Do you fear success?#7 – Millionaires take calculated risk. The Middle-Class is afraid to take risk.

Calculated risk means you educate yourself first, and you consider the consequences of failing before you take action.

Here’s 3 questions that can give you profound insight into making wise decisions:

a. What’s the best that can happen?

b. What’s the worst that can happen?

c. What’s the most likely that could happen?


If the most likely thing to happen will get you closer to your goals, and if the worst thing that can happen DOES happen, and if you can live with that, then you GO FOR IT!

BUT , if the most likely thing to happen is not going to get you closer to your goals, and if you’re not willing to live with it, don’t do it!

Here are the 3 primary FEARS in Middle-Class that we see.

a. Fear of “Failure:

Millionaires see failure as good.

Because when you fail, you have an opportunity to learn and grow. Middle-Class see failure as bad.

b. Fear of “Rejection

You have to have the desire to succeed, more than you have the need to be approved of by other people.

If you’re successful, some people are going to reject you.

Middle Class can’t deal with rejection.

c. Fear of “Loss:

Millionaires play the game to WIN. Middle-Class play the money game NOT TO LOSE.

You’ll never have a chance to win by playing “defense” the whole game.

With Middle-Class thinking, you may not “lose”, but you most definitely won’t WIN!

#6 – Millionaires continually learn and grow

Middle-Class think learning ended with school.

The biggest challenge for most people is to let go of the ego long enough to admit that we don’t know everything, so we can actually learn and keep growing!

You can (and should) always look for mentors – (in books, seminars, courses, etc.).

It isn’t that millionaires have the “right genes” or anything. It’s that they are always in front of the bubble, staying up with the times, because they are always adapting, learning, and growing.

We are like trees: If you’re not growing, you’re dying.

When you’re a kid, life is so fun, why is that?!

It’s because you are learning, growing and discovering new things every day.

Mostly, the Middle-Class eventually decide to stop learning. You get stuck in “ruts and routines”, which means you’re stagnant. 

Millionaires decide to be lifelong students. 

The Wealthy 1%#5 – Millionaires work for profits. The Middle-Class works for WAGES

The great Jim Rohn said, “PROFITS are better than wages”.

It is extremely rare to become wealthy working for wages, and I personally have never seen an employee grow rich from a salary.

I’m quite sure you haven’t either.

You can not expect to have built your own dreams if you wasted most of your time building the dreams, (the business) of someone else.

Instead, invest your spare time into yourself to learn how to create profit and scale it in today’s environment…. 


#4 -Millionaires believe they MUST be generous. The Middle-Class believes they cannot give

This one does not need much explanation on a money level, but every millionaire I know is always willing to give me the shirt off their back or offer advice.

They tithe, because it ALWAYS COMES BACK.

They give back, focus on others and live to pay it forward.

Struggling people, (because of their “me me me” mentality), believe everyone else has that same “me” mentality, so they’re not used to other people going out of their way to help someone else!

Instead, they think everyone is trying to sell them something or has an agenda.

Most people will tell themselves (and others) that they’re “not a sales person“, as if that’s a bad thing, when in reality, the best “sales” people are those who help other people get what they want. 

Another challenge is, most people aren’t listening when a millionaire is in the room being generous with their knowledge.

In order to take advantage of Millionaire’s mentorship, generosity, advice, drop your ego, be humble, and LISTEN, because Millionaire’s are always happy to be generous and share how they did it!

Because when you GIVE, you get even MORE BACK. Always. 

#3 – Millionaires have multiple streams of income

The Middle-Class only has one job/income stream. Maybe two.

Worse, is is having more than one job – (also called “active” income) – because you are doubling and tripling your tax burden.

If you are to be a Millionaire, you must learn to generate multiple streams of passive (and leveraged) income .

Look to create systems for leverage and easy duplication, so you can build powerful TEAMS of people.

The Middle-Class think “if you want the job done right, you gotta do it yourself”. 

The Middle-Class use terms like “Self-Made Millionaire”, which is a LIE. 

Nobody has ever made a million dollars by themself. No one person has enough time or energy to do every job by themself.

You must have TEAMS of people to handle everything it takes to generate a millions of dollars in revenue. 

Here’s a wild one to think about:

Smart people are too smart for their own good.


Because nobody can do what they do, and this makes it extremely hard to duplicate or multiply your efforts.

We also have a hard time “letting go” and can’t trust anyone else to do the jobs right. 

It’s a challenge to replace yourself, so you’re stuck. If you stop working and managing people, you stop getting paid.

No freedom. No system. No leverage. 

Millionaires understand that sales equals income, but MASSIVE income equals duplication – having TEAMS for STREAMS.

There is no such thing as a “self-made Millionaire”. You have to have TEAMS of people, and it’s all about intentional congruence.

Fish with not one line, but a NET! They’re connected and they FEED each other.

For Millionaires, it becomes about networking, recruiting and investing in others with talent.

The "normal" life. Don't do what "everybody else does"!#2 – Millionaires focus on increasing their net worth. The Middle-Class focuses on increasing their paycheck

Forget about the bigger TV and cooler car to keep up with the Jones’.

Build ASSETS instead.

Millionaires get paid, they spend it, THEN they get taxed.

Middle-Class are taxed out of their check before they even get it.

#1 – Millionaires ask themselves empowering questions. (The Middle-Class ask themselves dis-empowering questions)

Middle-Class asks, “Why do I struggle every month?”.

The Millionaires ask “How can I double my income this month?”

So… then you ask, “what’s the meaning of my life?”

They say NO…. Ask, “what would make my life meaningful?”

You ask, “Who am I?”

No. It’s, “Who am I becoming?”

“Who do I WANT to become?”

Then, go out and get it, without any of your old stories and excuses! 

Now go out there and not just think like a Millionaire, but go do like a Millionaire!

And get this little book!

And if you liked this post, share it! Your friends will thank you for it!

Let’s chat soon,

The World Is Yours, M!

Hey, P.S. –

If you want to learn:

  • How to use the internet to grow multiple streams of your own online income
  • How Financial Education will help put a financial fortress around you and your family that will live on for generations
  • How to build assets for passive income… 

Then you can hurry and jump on our new (free) exclusive weekly webinars coming up.

We’re not sure how long we’ll be doing them (through COVID), but hurry and CLICK HERE NOW, and we’ll see you on there!


My name is Marc Frank Montoya. I was raised by a single Mom (who did the best she possibly could and supported my dreams), but had no (Financial) Education. I (luckily) skipped college, changed my environment (by moving up to the mountains with some friends) and went on to become a globally recognized professional snowboarder for over 17 years. *(After that kind of life, there was no possibility of going back to the "norm".) After a few mentor friends pushed me read a few wealth books, I thought the next logical step was to STOP making other people rich and launch my own businesses. The problem was, I quickly realized the volatility and lack of time freedom that comes with (traditional/old-school) brick and mortar business. Even more painful was the lack of quality time with my kids. After a lot of searching, studying, researching and discovering, I dove in head first, implementing #different strategies and tactics. I invested the next 15 years (and over $250k) into courses, personal development, seminars, workshops, coaching, mentorship and financial education. I also found the world of Online Marketing, Automated Businesses Models, Financial Services and Tools, and Tax-Free Wealth Strategies. I now share what I learn and help entrepreneurial-minds build more automated and leveraged business online, protect your assets and compound your results and income from anywhere in the world using a #smart phone, a laptop and Zoom. If you're looking to take your income and lifestyle to the next level, feel free, look around, invest the time, jump down the Rabbit Hole.. : )
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