Feeling "stuck" in these economic times? For most, it will be painful NOT to change.
Every time someone complains that either they “hate my job” or “I can’t afford that”, I think of this picture! I remember the feeling, being stuck between a rock and [...]
Call a WHAAmbulance, HURRY!!
Are you totally satisfied yet? I’m not either …
Skip work today!
Is your crappy job keeping you away from your passion? ALL 12 or 14 of my jobs did too, back in the day 10 years ago! I didn’t know how to get out of that situation! I used to stand there [...]
Help Somebody Today!
Feel like doing a good deed today? Can you imagine how many people are suffering out there from health issues? Did you know that the #1 reason for Bankruptcy today is still DOCTOR BILLS? This is [...]
What would YOU give to get FREE? Would you work an extra hour a day on your OWN business to achieve Financial Freedom? Kunta Kinte (from the classic movie ROOTS) chopped off his own foot to have [...]
We like to act like we aren’t scared, but then many times we choose to NOT take action to achieve our BIG dreams. This is because as humans, we want to feel “safe”. We [...]
Nasty sounds!
C’mon now, get your mind out of the gutter,
"COMFORTABLE"? … We Hope Not!
Because if you are, that means you might be living an “normal” ordinary life,
Now, when will u decide?
We SAY we want “success”, but do we REALLY want it? Do we want happiness bad enough to CHANGE the things we’ve been “programmed” for from Middle-Class and Poor [...]
Don't be an AmeriCANT !
I was an AmeriCANT! I used to “have no time” for everything, and I used to be “broke”, full of excuses, being a simple “Americant”, until I finally realized I [...]
Ever feel "busy", going nowhere FAST?
You need to ask yourself two VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS and think about the answer that exposes the truth: 1. “Exactly WHAT am I spending my time “getting good” at? 2. Who is my COACH?