In Awareness, Mastery

If You Feel Like You’re Struggling…

It’s actually a GOOD thing!

Snatch The Pebble - MarcFrankMontoya dot comBut back in the day it didn’t feel good… 

Most people are like, “NOPE, struggle isn’t good AT ALL.”…

Turns out I was wrong.

The good news is, “right after the break down comes the BREAKTHROUGH”…

When you push and push and break through, you “become bigger than your obstacles” and it makes you extremely valuable to others. 

Struggle equates to growth

Like Daniel-Son over here —>> 

I didn’t even know what a Teach-ability Index was, but as they say: “When the student is ready, the Master will appear”!

I eventually found out that the more ACTION you take, the more you make mistakes…

The more you learn from the mistakes, the more valuable you become…

And the more you find out how little you really know…



The Bigger The “Challenge”, The More Valuable You Become To Others

When I was younger, I thought I was smart. Adults were kinda lame and boring.

Later I found out that I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. (This is called “Unconscious Incompetence”).

As I grew specialized skills in snowboarding, my ego also grew and then I really thought I knew everything! (This generally a stage of “Conscious Competence”).

Later I found out how ridiculous it was to believe that I knew everything there was to know.

Finally I had to drop my ego, get back to being humble and start asking (more successful) people questions…

I had to STOP TALKING and start LISTENING to successful people if I wanted to grow to their level.

And most high-caliber people won’t even bother investing their time into you if you’re not highly coach-able.

If your mind is “fixed” and you stick to and defend your old beliefs, then you’re STUCK, aren’t you?

What happened next was the Game Changer.

Teachability Index For Mastery - MarcFrankMontoya dot com

If Having A High Teach-ability Index Was Easy, Everyone Would Have Financial And Time Freedom

We all say we are “totally coach-able”, but it’s tricky:

If you want better results, you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, can you?

OK, so we must be open for change, or at least some “course correction”.

This is hard for most, because… 

“Does that mean I have to admit that I’ve been doing it wrong all along?”

Not all the way, (but it does put a dent in our ego). We avoid change because we don’t want to have to reinvent ourselves and “start from scratch”! 

We subconsciously fight change and new ideas. We resist “cutting our losses” on the time investment we already put into what we were doing.

We also have a fear of the “unknown”.

Do I have to “start all over”?

No. But here are 3 first signs you may have a low Teach-ability Index:

  1. Are You Talking Instead Of Listening?

    If you find yourself talking a lot, then it means you’re not doing a lot of learning, because you can’t talk and LEARN at the same time!

    If you’re talking, you’re only repeating what you already know. This makes it hard to learn anything new.

    God gave you two ears and only one mouth for a reason! And if you’re not the smartest one in the room, then you should not be talking! 

    You should be asking more questions. 

    Side note:

    *If you notice, many times, those who talk the most seem to know the least. This is not a coincidence! lol

  2. Are You Hearing? (or LISTENING)

    You see most people aren’t really having real conversations.

    If you notice, one person will talk, but the other person isn’t really listening.

    What they’re REALLY doing is thinking of what they’re gonna say next, and they’re waiting for their next chance to talk!

    So if you are hearing someone, it means you are only pretending to be listening, but you are not mentally being present.

    Many times you’re not actually absorbing the information or looking at things from their perspective.

    If you want to be gifted, then be present.

  3. Are You A Born Leader?

    There’s a challenge with this. 

    In any “new” business, if there is a simple system in place, you must FOLLOW to lead.

    Many people try to “lead” others before they have actual RESULTS.

    In these changing times, you may have been doing the leading as a professional in another field, but you’re not a master in a new game yet.

    When professionals come into new arenas, they try to go right into a leading space, (telling people how to do it, skipping important steps, doing it “our own way” and reinventing the wheel) instead of following a proven master in that specific arena.

    This wastes tons of your energy and time. It also causes major frustration for impatient go-getter types, and is the reason 97% of people fizzle out, quit and fail in new areas. 

    You will move through the stages of unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence, for mastery.

    This takes years, (not days or months), in any new field.

    Don’t Be “The Karate Kid” —>>>

Follow to Lead. MarcFrankMontoya dot comBe better than Karate Kid with a high Teach-ability Index.

Remember when Danielson was frustrated with Mr. Miyagi for making him “wax on” and “wax off”?

Mr. Miyagi was using repetition to master the skill The Karate Kid wanted to possess?

But Danielson did not trust or understand the Master at first, and almost blew it for himself.

Good thing he came to his senses before he gave up and quit on his dreams.

When you’re dead serious about getting to the next level of mastery, you must trust that proven mentors have your best interest in mind.

You must be willing to drop your ego, shut the hell up, and invest the time into yourself.

Finally I came to my senses and went searching for real solutions.

When I found the right mentors, with the right techniques, who helped me finally break through the wall, everything changed.

I was looking to make 6-figures from home. 

I needed to market my businesses online, so I could leverage myself and save time.

So… as you course correct, your teach-ability index will facilitate you, all the way to “unconscious competence”.

You can effortlessly generate multiple streams of income, and make money while you sleep.

Don’t believe it? Mmmkay then, don’t click to look into it further…

How do you make money while you sleep?

You create leverage online. You get business going in other countries. So when you go to bed, other people wake up, buy things, and work on building business with and for you.

So if you can suspend your disbelief long enough to discover today’s new school online businesses, then it may be possible to get you all the way to “unconscious competence”!

Let’s take you to the NEXT LEVEL.

The World Is Yours, M!

My name is Marc Frank Montoya. I was raised by a single Mom (who did the best she possibly could and supported my dreams), but had no (Financial) Education. I (luckily) skipped college, changed my environment (by moving up to the mountains with some friends) and went on to become a globally recognized professional snowboarder for over 17 years. *(After that kind of life, there was no possibility of going back to the "norm".) After a few mentor friends pushed me read a few wealth books, I thought the next logical step was to STOP making other people rich and launch my own businesses. The problem was, I quickly realized the volatility and lack of time freedom that comes with (traditional/old-school) brick and mortar business. Even more painful was the lack of quality time with my kids. After a lot of searching, studying, researching and discovering, I dove in head first, implementing #different strategies and tactics. I invested the next 15 years (and over $250k) into courses, personal development, seminars, workshops, coaching, mentorship and financial education. I also found the world of Online Marketing, Automated Businesses Models, Financial Services and Tools, and Tax-Free Wealth Strategies. I now share what I learn and help entrepreneurial-minds build more automated and leveraged business online, protect your assets and compound your results and income from anywhere in the world using a #smart phone, a laptop and Zoom. If you're looking to take your income and lifestyle to the next level, feel free, look around, invest the time, jump down the Rabbit Hole.. : )
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