I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:
The world NEEDS young new entrepreneurs more than ever.
The sad truth is, not everyone can or should be an entrepreneur.
In fact, there are some people who’d be horrible as entrepreneurs!
Most would probably not make much money, and would most likely make
themselves (and everyone around them) angry and disappointed.
Down here I’ve listed these 10 types of people.
Don’t even try to go into business if you are any one of these kinds of people!
Don’t get it twisted, this is nothing personal.
These aren’t “bad people” or anything.
But there’s a reason we work extremely hard at TeamMFM —
We screen the negative people out and not let them anywhere NEAR us
or our businesses.
Anywho… here’s the list! Hope you’re not in it!
1. Negative Naysayers
2. The Whiny Whiners
3. The Nitty Nit-pickers
4. The Nonstop Needy…
5. The Ticking Timebomb Psychos (those who get really angry about nothing)
6. The Constant Complainers…
7. The “I want to win the lottery” Freebie-seekers (there is no “get rich quick scheme”, sorry)
8. The Blame Game Blamers (no response – ABILITY, do not hold themselves accountable for where they are in life!)
9. The Tire-kicking, fearful, Curious Cats…
10. The Sitting Spectators ( people who go into business, never really DOING
There’s my short list.
There’s actually WAY more types we could add, but… Well, if it’s you who is
in one of these 10, do NOT take it personal, but
please don’t go into business.
Don’t waste your time!
Don’t waste anyone else’s time, either!
The world is always going to need the “worker bees” (those who would rather
working a “regular” job, for a paycheck, rather than “pay the price” to build a
There’s NO shame in that at all.
And it’s perfect (and even very honorable).
Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. (The top 3% of wealth in the world).
Only that small percentage are meant to be out there competing for wealth and freedom.
Everyone else?
They buy the t-shirts and nachos and watch the show from the sidelines.
It’s a win/win for everybody!
If you’re meant to be an entrepreneur, keep on clickin’ around here!
You’ll pry find what you’re looking for!!