I Used To Wake Up In A Pretty Bad Mood

I mean seriously, not a good feeling. It’s no way to live…
Even as a professional snowboarder, I would have to wake up before I was done sleeping, (before the sun comes up and before my kids were even awake), and I was pretty bummed about it.
This was my daily routine before I had the sense enough to ask a mentor friend some advice.
As I asked the questions, a few of them took the time to show me “how to make money while you sleep” and my wheels started turning.
I thought I’d share a post about it, because once you realize the power of building business assets and growing teams of leadership that span around the world, you can’t un-realize it!
Gotta say, I’m feeling pretty fucking blessed right now.
But it wasn’t easy…
Not Just A Catchy Phrase
Making money while you sleep is not even the right wording.
Because when I’m sleeping and the money is coming in, it’s not like I’m actively working to make the money at that time – I’m sleeping!
I mean yes, you have to be dead-serious and consistent, investing the time and effort to build yourself a real business, but self-growth is fun and you can make your own schedule!
And once you’ve grown a business with a system that works for you 24-7, your income is automatically generated, so you literally wake up in a state of euphoria, grateful, with multiple sources of income.
Imagine that…
A financial fortress around you and your family that nothing can penetrate. This is how you sleep comfortably.
Not to mention the fact that you if you hate alarm clocks, you can choose to wake up when you’re DONE sleeping – THAT was always my ultimate goal!
Oh and one more thing:
It’s not only about the money, but you have more freedom to do whatever the hell you want, ALL DAY LONG.
Here’s the part where I (also) said, “YEAH RIGHT”…. “Is that even possible?”
Yes, here’s HOW:
Do you realize that when you’re asleep, somebody on the other side of the world is purchasing something online, so you can literally have commission checks waiting for you every day when you wake up?
Geez, wouldn’t YOU feel more energized to get up? Would you feel like sharing what you discovered?
This is what happens when you realize how simple it is to make that happen for yourself…
However, this is not the “normal” way you’ve been taught to make money, so it’s out of your “comfort zone”…
You’re gonna to have to suspend your disbelief for a moment to wrap your head around this.
“Financial Freedom”
It’s a real catchy phrase these days, but it’s (still) extremely elusive to most, because of your “normal” programming.
They told you, “Go to school, learn a skill, so you can utilize your skills at a safe & secure job, working hard until you’re 65 or 70 years old”.
“THEN”, they said, (when you’re old, achy and too tired to want to do anything), “you can travel the world and have quality time with your family!”
They Told You To Do It, But Who Is “THEY”?
I finally sat down and got coached to gain clarity on what I really wanted in my life, and it it turns out that real freedom would be impossible with any “normal” job or small business.
And don’t just believe me, (I’m already bias), but just look around…. you’ll realize:
95% of our friends and family work hard to pay taxes, through their better years, never learning about the paradigm-shifting concept of leverage or passive recurring income.
Now, if you’re like I was, you shy away from anything new or different.
We all initially think “that’s not for me“, because it’s uncomfortable to have to go out and learn something new or reinvent yourself.
A mentor once told me, “growth is most definitely uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful, but it is so damn worth it.” …… especially when it comes to making money while you sleep!
Your Ego Tries To Keep You STUCK
Most of us have an ego and it doesn’t like to be “wrong”…
So initially, you might not want to admit that what you’re currently doing for work is NOT getting you where you want to go, but you stay there, STUCK.
I “Already Know”About How To Make Money While I Sleep
I know what goes through many people’s minds, because I used to think and feel the same way.
I thought I already knew the path, but I wasn’t WALKING the path.
I was making tons of money and everyone else thought I was “successful”, but I didn’t feel successful because I didn’t have time freedom.
I didn’t want to start from scratch and have to learn “new concepts” or ideas, but I had to start somewhere…
Later I learned the new concepts and strategies would ultimately set me free. I just wish I wouldn’t have waited so long.
It’s funny how we all do things that we know are not working, but we sit there in what we call “quiet desperation”. Don’t do it ANY LONGER.
Every Day Matters
The longer it takes, the more painful your regrets (and realizations) are, later on…
So here’s the cold, hard, simple truth that my mentor friends told me:
Linear income means you have to work to make the money, but then you have to work AGAIN to make the money… it’s like running in a hamster wheel.
A different or better job will get you exactly the same results.
As an employee, you are taxed so heavily that you will never get ahead.
When you do get a “raise”, it always comes more responsibilities and more taxes to pay – you’ll have even less freedom.
You end up trading the most valuable hours of your life for depreciating dollars – (especially with today’s inflation).
And sooner or later, you realize that it’s not the money that you are looking for :
What you’re looking for is the freedom and quality of life that money gets you.
There is no freedom in a job. It will forever keep you far away from your other passions.
Now yes, if you love what you do, that is success, but like my friend Scott says :
“If when you stop working, you stop getting paid, then you’re a slave to money and you’re not free.”
Anthony Robbins says, “Success is about being able to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want.”
In my experience, he’s telling the truth:
In fact, I learned that it is actually worse to be “successful” in traditional small business, because the more “successful” my businesses grew, the more busy I was, meaning I had less time freedom.
I made tons of money, but had no life.
I was a professional, (so because of my specialized skills, I could not duplicate myself, so nobody was able to take my place.
If I stopped working, I stopped getting paid.
(Hmm, that’s the same as a JOB, isn’t it?)
I felt like a slave, owned by my businesses – linear income – (same as my jobs in the earlier days). It demanded all of my time, money, and energy.
I was always the last one to be paid, after all of the taxes, employees, and overhead was paid.
Why Making Money While You Sleep Is More Important Than You Think
Making money while you sleep is mandatory if you like freedom, traveling, being outdoors, or if you have kids.
When I was younger, my parents weren’t around as much as they wanted to be, because they had to work all day.
I got in ridiculous amounts of trouble because my Dad wasn’t there to discipline me. He worked in another state.
My Mom was highly educated, but could not find a job for what she graduated for. She ended up being a used car saleswoman. Their hours are 9am to 10:30pm.
I never saw her. She had to work to support us.
I know many fathers that feel like they support their family, but they don’t get to see their family as much as they would like.
Twenty-four seven leveraged recurring income is your solution. It’s the only thing wealthy people invest their time into.
They do not teach their kids to “go to school, so you can have a safe secure job”.
They think outside the box. They teach their (C student) kids how to HIRE the (A student) kids!
They create quality time for their kids, and use smarter business “vehicles” to achieve the life of their dreams.
Wealthy people with time abundance follow proven and automated systems for making 24-7 leveraged income.
“Systems” meaning well-oiled proven step-by-step plans that work….every time, all the time!
They are proven solutions for YOU, and if you work them, they work. And ultimately you’ll have a system running your business instead of YOU running the business!
I remember one of my mentors telling me:
“The ONLY reason you are NOT making a 6-figure income is because nobody has ever gone out of their way to educate you on a proven, step-by-step system, or you’d be there already!”
Last few important things I had to ask myself:
“Is what I am doing right now going to get me what I want in next 4-5 years?”
“Is what I’m doing right now even working?”
Twenty-Four-Seven Recurring Income For Making Money While You Sleep
The Social Commerce and Online Home Business models are talked about in every wealth book today.
You can even build a million-dollar business on Zoom today.
The new business models have changed more lives and made more millionaires than any other time in history.
Direct Selling is also another business model where you can get paid for helping the consumer get what they’re looking for.
You guide them to buy online, DIRECT from companies instead of going to the middlemen.
You get paid for creating those channels of distribution. Your own HOME BUSINESS!
If you pay attention, you’ll see every business has now changed their business model to this.
When you create customers, you are paid commissions.
These global seamless systems can expand around world, and with Social Media platforms, everybody is now connected! Social Commerce has exploded.
Today, everyone knows you can make money from home, and everyone is doing it with a laptop and a cellphone, so why stay stuck at a stinky dead-end job or small business for the next 30 years?
Today is the day you can work #smart with your own Social Commerce/Home Business.
You choose your own hours, be your own boss, make multiple streams of income while you sleep, and own your life.
For more info, simply REACH OUT.
We’d love to hear your story and see if we can get you moving in the right direction.
Let’s do this!
The World Is Yours, M!
Oh and P.S. – (For those that took the time to read this to the end), here’s an amazing video to bring it all the way home!!..
Good post for anyone wanting to make money online. You make it all sound so easy!
Thanks for a good read.