How To Beat The Fiercest Competition And GET FREE
Finally my friend Scott had to ask me this crucial question, (and I recommend you ask yourself the same) …How many people, (in your immediate circle), are currently taking massive action [...]
3 Initial (KEY) Steps To Make Money With Your Passions
If You’re Wondering Exactly “HOW” To Make Money With Your Passions…Then you’re doomed, like I was, because… You must start with [...]
What To Do When “Working Harder” Is Not Enough
Ever Seen The Head-Bangers In The Window Seal?WARNING: This may be another uncomfortable story! (And it ain’t about Punk Rock flies!) It’s about FREEDOM. We’ve [...]
What To Do When Trying Harder Isn’t Enough
Don’t You Wish You Could “Save Them All”? So this fly was still buzzing around in my room, frantically looking for an escape. I watch him for a while, a little irritated, by the [...]
How To Escape From The Corporate Job Pyramid Scheme: Paradigm Shifts
Feeling stuck? Here’s a few reasons why, and how to fix it.There I was, again, stuck with a broken down car, no emergency funds to get my car repaired. I didn’t have money for [...]
Thinking Outside The Box VS. Living Outside The Box (5 Key Factors)
Have you ever felt like there’s just gotta be something better for you out there, somewhere, somehow? If you have, I know exactly how that feels, because that was me, every day. Before I [...]
If You Feel Like “Something” Is Wrong, Do Something Different, Or Things Will Stay The Same!
Ever Feel Like You Should Be Trying Something DIFFERENT? …Like somethin’ just isn’t working … but you keep on doing it anyway, over and over and over again, hoping [...]
Why We Decided To Invest In Home Business, Despite The Skeptics And Disbelievers
I Had “Made It To The Top”. What Happened Next Was A Nightmare… So how can you even possibly get a better lifestyle than a pro snowboarder? Well when you’re younger, there [...]
How To Completely Escape The Rat Race/Human Hamster Wheel, Without Losing Security
If You Want Security, Then A “Safe Secure Job” Will Keep You In A Maximum Security Prison Today a friend made me laugh, asking, “yeah, but have you ever heard a hamster [...]
How To Make A Full Time Income Following Your Passion, Without Risk
If You Have A Passion, But You Don’t Know Where To Start, This Is Your Time. 5 Steps To The Dream Life Back in the day, right after high school, I was in a bad place. I had found my [...]
Make money while you sleep? It’s AMAZING and WAY easier than you could ever imagine….
I Used To Wake Up In A Pretty Bad MoodI mean seriously, not a good feeling. It’s no way to live… Even as a professional snowboarder, I would have to wake up before I was done [...]
My Mentor's DreamBoard
I was visiting a friend/business mentor of mine in Las Vegas this week and had to take a picture of one of the papers that was on her DreamBoard. It was amazing to see, because out of all of [...]
You Are Not Totally A Slave, But Are You Really “FREE”?
Have you ever felt like you are not as free as you’d like to be, even though you’re living in America? I felt like a slave to my job, and to the TAXES that would come out of my check, [...]
How can you get your freedom back if you didn’t even know it was GONE?!
Ever wanted to create a HUGE positive change in your life and realize what the next level of freedom is? We can do this together… If you don’t know what Ron Paul stands for, come find [...]
Here’s a FREE Hardcore Success Training video for YOU. You DID just get "lucky"!
Be “lucky” by Living Outside The Box This is the key to success. What the heck does outside the box really mean? We hear the term “thinking outside of the box”, but they [...]
What would YOU give to get FREE? Would you work an extra hour a day on your OWN business to achieve Financial Freedom? Kunta Kinte (from the classic movie ROOTS) chopped off his own foot to have [...]
What's Your Definition of Success?
Many people think success and making more money means working harder and longer. This is a flat out LIE.
4th of July FREEDOM!
Profits are better than “wages”. Are you looking for FREEDOM or just “security”? This 4th of July we had the most amazing day with the kids! I’m so proud of them I [...]
"Misery Loves Companies!"
When you understand how money works, “misery loves companies” is an amazing truth when you’re at the “bottom” in the “traditional business” world! [...]
Don't do it!
For some reason I’m on this cartoon binge,
"COMFORTABLE"? … We Hope Not!
Because if you are, that means you might be living an “normal” ordinary life,
Behind The Scenes of MLSP Mastermind Retreat!
Here’s a valuable EDUTRAINMENT (education + entertainment + training) video for you to enjoy! Get committed to your success…
Don't be an AmeriCANT !
I was an AmeriCANT! I used to “have no time” for everything, and I used to be “broke”, full of excuses, being a simple “Americant”, until I finally realized I [...]
"Suspend Your Disbelief"
We SAY we want “success”, but do we REALLY want it? Do we want happiness bad enough to CHANGE the things we’ve been “programmed” for from Middle-Class and Poor [...]
Ever feel "busy", going nowhere FAST?
You need to ask yourself two VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS and think about the answer that exposes the truth: 1. “Exactly WHAT am I spending my time “getting good” at? 2. Who is my COACH?
Snowboarding saved my life…
When Transworld Snowboarding Magazine posted this, it hit me… Here was my comment on Facebook, please read… I used to have a horrible existence,